LoopMeal Omega

LoopMeal Omega is an insect protein and lipid concentrate derived from fresh-leaf-fed Silkworms. It is a sustainable alternative protein ingredient processed using our proprietary solvent-free extraction technology.

Available for use as a
protein concentrate ingredient

0 %
0 %

Key Specifications

Min. 80% Protein + Lipids

Nutrient dense sustainable ingredient

Min. 12% Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Increases immunity in animals

Max. 7% Ash

Superior digestibility

Min. 5000 Kcal/Kg Energy

Increases metabolic activity

Our product is

Consistent in Quality

Competitively Priced

Climate Friendly

Typical values


LoopMeal Omega 55

LoopMeal Omega 50

Crude Protein

Min 55%

Min 50 %

Crude Fat

Max 30%

Max 35%

Crude Fibre

Max 5%

Max 5%

Total Ash

Max 7%

Max 7%


Max 7%

Max 7%


Min 4500 Kcal/Kgram

Min 5200 Kcal/Kgram

We are producing premium
future superfoods for animal nutrition

Nutritional benefits

Rich in Natural Antioxidants.

The EFAs content of SP is bioactive compounds associated with polyphenols, amino acids, and other nutritional compounds that have effects of antioxidant, anti-apoptotic, anti-genotoxic.

Energy and Nutrient dense

Silkworm pupae (SWP), a major by-product of the silk reeling industry, can be used as an alternative dietary supplement with high nutritional and therapeutic value.

Rich source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Silkworm pupae also contain 32.52% of saturated fatty acids and 67.48% of unsaturated fatty acid with linoleic acid (omega 6) 8.57% and linolenic acid (omega 3) 24.4% (Pereira et al. 2003)

High quality protein and lipid

The contents of essential amino acids in silkworm pupae protein satisfied the FAO/WHO/UNU suggested requirements (2007). In addition, they also possessed n-3 fatty acids.

Why do we use Silkworms?

Taking Silkworms Beyond Silk

Natural food choice for fish & birds

Rich in high quality proteins and lipids

Feeds on fresh & pesticide free mulberry leaves

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